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Video and Listening Library 

Trainings on a variety of business topics that will help your practice soar! 

What's the #1 ingredient to the most successful and effective teams? The notion of psychological safety was first introduced by organizational behavioral scientist, Amy Edmondson, who coined the phrase and defined it as “a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.”

So how does Psychological Safety move the needle on employee satisfaction, engagement and performance? Tune into my webinar above and learn why!

Tracking your practice metrics is crucial for the health of your business.  By developing a routine for analyzing your business performance, you're able to decide which areas in your practice need your attention the most.  

Tracking the relationships in your practice such as how your staff and  associates are performing, can give you the heartbeat of your practice and help you increase revenue.  

Gaining Traction within your organization is a key element for success. Understanding the processes and systems to support forward movement allows for liberation, clarity and stress reduction. Traction creates a direct link for business growth. Develop yourself, develop your team and watch your practice soar! Learn more in this video about how Sherpa's Programs can help propel your business forward. 

From the "Education Hub" of Optometry Wealth Advisors LLC, Dr. Larry Golson and Evon Mendrin, (Founder / Lead Advisor) discuss how traction can motivate your team, tips to establish vision is established within the program, the dynamics of the Visionary and Integrator roles and what they interplay in a day-to-day reality. 


26. Larry Golson Podcast Audio
00:00 / 1:02:01
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